Sunday, January 5, 2014

Fan Girl Blurb

I talked to the cover designer today.  She loved my concept, said it was unique and eye catching and wanted to do a mock up.  YAY!  Then I realized I don't have a blurb for the back cover. AH!  So I wrote all day long, showing my husband who kept saying no.  I showed it to other people, they say no.  Then a friend gets online, reads what I have saying, "No Brandi, can I play with it a little?"  Uh, yeah.  Ten hours of trying to sum up 108k words without giving anything away and still make you want to read.  I had no more ways to say the same thing, again. 
Boni has what I had come up with, maybe thirty minutes.  I rave to her how amazing it is!  She tries to be modest and tells me she just took out all the details from mine.  Reading it 50 times I tweak here and there until I'm happy.  Thanks Literally Jen, Jenny Sims  and Jennifer Sell for proofreading.  So here it is! 

Little more than a girl when Ali meets him, his voice resonates with her in a time when she needs it most. As an adult, Deklan has the potential to devastate her.

Deklan Thomas catches Ali Pierce's attention at a young age. Not that he notices. His band Rolling Bridges provides Ali the escape she desperately needs from her home life. Music. It's during this journey that she is confronted with what she has attempted to suppress all along. Her discontent with herself.

Refusing to settle for mediocrity, Ali sets off on a mission. Moving to the Big Apple, she gains a new outlook on life, a snarky online friend, a college degree, and a unique internship others would kill to have.

Though she grows leaps and bounds, her first love remains the same. Nothing can keep her from the music—music that will lead her down a road of passion and predicament that even the new Ali is unsure she can handle.

Is Deklan ready to give up his rocker lifestyle? And does Ali really want to be put in the spotlight after so many years in the shadows?

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